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Our wine list consists of around 700 references and is a mix of both great natural, and classic wines. There is a focus on France, especially Burgundy, Jura, Champagne and Loire. We always offer a wide arrange of wines by the glass. You can always check with our sommeliers about the best pairing for your dishes.

Wine list 


What others say:

“This might just be my favourite list anywhere in Amsterdam – there are a few hundred listings, and nothing is predictable – yet, all bases are admirably covered. There are attractively priced artisan Burgundies (Dujac is a favourite) and Champagnes, interesting orange wines, back vintages of stuff like Dario Prinčič or Tondonia, impossible-to-find jewels from the US and more.


Owner Daniel Schein is a very smart and creative buyer, and you’ll find stuff here that doesn’t show up anywhere else in Amsterdam (or the Netherlands). ​Overall, this is a wine geek’s paradise, whether you want to play it safe or go on a voyage of vinous discovery.” 

Star Wine list

“Deze plek is om te koesteren, met Daniel Schein als een der grootste huidige wijnkenners in Nederland. Overdag zetten ze hier een van de beste koffies van de stad, zonder poespas. Een verdiende stijging.”

Gault & Millau 2020

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